

Podcast Virtuoso is a done-for-you podcast booking agency that matches you with your ideal audience. We do the heavy lifting for your brand to ATTRACT QUALIFIED LEADS, ESTABLISH AUTHORITY, and BUILD BRAND AWARENESS THAT TRANSFERS TO IMPACT.

Utilizing our resources of over 3 million podcasts, we find the perfect audience for your brand and put you in front of them. Once you’re there, all you have to do is talk.

We go beyond just booking our clients on podcasts. We believe in your brand.

About Podcast Virtuoso

Our Story

Since the start of 2019 and the rise of the COVID Pandemic, Podcast appearances have been an influential tool for business marketing. With traditional PR and other mainstream marketing strategies becoming oversaturated, Podcast listenership is at an all-time high.

Although the industry isn't new, it is still a secret to many. Today, as entrepreneurs adapt and learn through the new normal, podcast guesting proves to be a better choice over the traditional marketing strategies we once knew.

The desire to help entrepreneurs both discover and utilize the benefits of podcast guesting is what gave birth to Podcast Virtuoso. Our passion is connecting business owners to untapped marketing tools that impact their KPI's.

Podcast Virtuoso partners with entrepreneurs, industry experts, and thought leaders in getting their message out to the online world. We go beyond just booking our clients to podcasts. Let us help shape your success story!

Our Team

Warren Lorenz

Warren Lorenz

Owner | Operator

Mark Crawford

Mark Crawford

Owner | Operator

Tia Silver

Tia Silver

Client Success Manager

Kaitlin Lipscomb

Kaitlin Lipscomb

Client Success Manager

Faith Miguel

Faith Miguel

Client Acquisition Specialist

KC Paglinawan

KC Paglinawan

Podcast Booking Agent

Polly Castillo

Polly Castillo

Operations Manager

Will Paglinawan

Will Paglinawan

Operations Manager

Ash Torrecampo

Ash Torrecampo

HR Manager

Jacqueline Castro

Jacqueline Castro 

Graphic Designer

Rizza Vinoya

Rizza Vinoya

Podcast Booking Agent

Precious Quinto

Precious Quinto

Podcast Booking Agent

Betty Juan

Betty Juan

Client Acquisition Specialist

Jerlyn Antalao

KC Paglinawan

Podcast Booking Agent

Mayflor Vinoya

Mayflor Vinoya

Podcast Booking Agent

Edmar Ganaganag

Edmar Ganaganag

Podcast Booking Agent

Jiji Antalan

Jiji Antalan

Podcast Booking Agent

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